Location: Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan
- This Community Health Center is located on Village Mohammad Ramzan Lasi , Malir Khokhra Par in Karachi region
- 20748 beneficiaries of this health facility
- 9 Community health workers
- 32 average daily out-patients
- This facility has on-site Lab
- This facility has Ultrasound machine
- Solar panels are used to provide electricity for this facility
- EPI 100% immunized children under 2
- TT vaccination 100% WRAs immunized
- Capital Cost for this is $ 25,072
- Yearly Operating Cost for 2019 for this is $ 51,817
- Total annual cost to run the operations of this facility is $ 76,889
- This project was funded by HDFNA
- HMIS Software, Ultrasound is needed